May 17, 2023
Green Energy
OT Zero Trust-based Solutions to Protect the
Power Grid

Attackers want power over inverters and other devices used to generate electricity. They are looking for one open security hole on a flat network or unpatched legacy equipment to grant them free access to shut off electricity and demand a ransom.
The 4 cornerstones of OT zero trust join forces to shield power generation systems from malicious disruption.

Security Inspection
Portable Inspector is the premier tool for extending the life of legacy devices and protecting stand alone assets. Plug it into any device to wipe out malware and take inventory for CIP compliance.
Trust Lists
Adaptive trust lists are the secret weapon behind all OT zero trust security appliances. EdgeFire, EdgeIPS, and Stellar products work together to analyze every situation as it happens, continually checking incoming and outgoing messages to make sure that only trustworthy commands reach critical electricity generating equipment.
Network Segmentation
OT-native EdgeIPS and EdgeFire appliances repel attacks so that energy generation is the priority and assets keep working all day, every day.
EdgeFire partitions critical equipment into micro-segments so that work continues no matter what is happening in other areas of the network. By safeguarding work cells, OT assets avoid the fallout from employees accidentally clicking on phish-bait and other IT problems.
EdgeIPS were specifically designed for in-depth protection of OT-native protocols.
Asset Shielding – optional
Stellar stops known malware before it infects endpoint assets. Virtual patches guard against zero day attacks. Threat intelligence powered by machine-learning, reasons about new attack vectors in order to deploy avoidance techniques.
EdgeOne – optional
Every OT zero trust security appliance reports to a single pane of glass for viewing moment-by-moment status. EdgeOne is the secure portal for uploading incident data and downloading new malware signatures and threat intelligence.
The energy critical infrastructure sector and nuclear sector have become popular targets of ransomware. The Stuxnet worm has been re-purposed to attack Triconex controllers. Versions of this malware have been launched at Middle Eastern oil and gas companies, as well as those in the USA and Eastern Europe.
To combat ransomware, EdgeFire and EdgeIPS are being used to segment networks so that a single attack cannot infect the entire energy generation plant. Trust lists are analyzing what’s happening right now and making informed decisions based on production goals and risk tolerance. Portable Inspector is being used to wipe out supply chain malware and extend the useful life of legacy assets. Stellar is continually reinforcing OT zero trust OT-native security protections.

Keep the lights on. Ease CIP compliance tasks. Protect green energy by deploying the OT zero trust security suite and embed 4 cornerstones of proven cyber defense into your electricity generation plants.

Deploy network segmentation to protect your ICS
Get in touch with our experts to arrange for a live personalized demo, get answers to your questions, and find out why TXOne Networks is the right choice to secure your operational technology.